
Easy exercises to boost those T levels

Testosterone is the holy grail of all hormones, we know that. It is quite literally what makes us men. Usually referred to as the male sex hormone, testosterone is responsible for:

  • Muscle growth
  • Bone density
  • Body hair
  • Changes in your voice when you’re going through puberty

In addition to this, testosterone also helps to regulate important functions, such as:

  • Sex drive
  • Muscle strength
  • Muscle and bone mass
  • Red blood cell production
  • Fat distribution

Unfortunately, from the age of 30, your testosterone levels decrease by about 1% per year on average. Additionally, after 40, this can increase to 2% a year.

Those who want to grow stronger muscles and get bigger are always on the hunt for the best ways to boost testosterone. With that being said, apart from getting a prescription or purchasing drugs that could have adverse effects, the only guaranteed way to up and maintain healthy T levels is to lift weights and eat the right foods.

To maintain higher testosterone levels, your best bet is to choose foods that are high in magnesium, zinc and vitamin K. You’ll find these essential vitamins and minerals in the likes of:

  • Dark, leafy greens
  • Oats
  • Nuts
  • Shellfish
  • Egg yolks
  • Beans

According to experts, the most effective exercises to elevate testosterone are the multi-joint exercises that use the largest muscle groups, such as:

  • Press-ups
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts
  • Overhead press
  • Bench press
  • Rowing

It is said that these exercises work because they up your muscle mass, and this is vital to the release of testosterone. Meaning that, in order to increase your T levels, make sure you prioritize those big lifts and ideally do a full-body workout three times a week.

Let’s take a look at what the T-boosting workout has got for us.

How do the T-boosting exercises work?

While it may not be the fanciest of workouts, all the exercises you’ll do will help to maximize your gains. You’ve got to love this as nobody wants to waste their time in the gym.

Also Read: Are sleep and testosterone linked?

In order to experience the best results, try the workout three times a week on non-consecutive days. Doing this has the added bonus that your weekends would then be rest days. Then, with each workout, change up the routine by doing a different variation of squats and deadlifts.

When it comes to squats, you’ve got:

  • Front squats
  • Back squats
  • Safety bar squats

For deadlifts you can do a:

  • Romanian deadlift
  • Suitcase deadlift
  • Sumo deadlift
  • Deficit deadlift

When doing a deadlift or back squat, go for a weight that is 80% of your one-rep maximum. For the bench press, shoulder press, or bent-over row, go for 70%.

Back squat

To start, get a barbell set up on a power rack at shoulder height. Stand in front of the bar and grasp it with both hands at shoulder width. Next, raise your elbows so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor.

Take the bar out of the rack and let it rest on your upper back, keeping your elbows up will keep the bar stable. Then, step back and part your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly turned out. Once you’re in position, squat as low as you possibly can without losing the arch in your back.

As was the case with the deadlifts, try and do five reps per set for a total of five sets, then have five minutes rest.

Also Read: Can having too much protein be bad for your kidneys?


Stand up straight and with your feet hip-width apart. Next, bend your hips back to reach down and grab the bar, your hands should be just outside your knees.

Keep your lower back in its natural arch and drive your heels into the floor. Pull the bar up until you’re standing with your hips fully extended and the bar is in front of your thighs.

Repeat this for five reps, do five sets, and have five minutes rest.

Shoulder press

Adjust the seat of the machine so that the handles are at shoulder level. Then, if you suffer from shoulder problems and the machine allows it, grab the handles so that your palms face each other. Otherwise, grasp them with your palms facing forward as you normally would.

Ensure that your elbows follow a normal pressing path as your press the handles overhead.

Once back in the starting position, repeat this move for 8 reps per set, complete for four sets, and take a two-minute rest.


Grasp a pull-up bar underhand at shoulder width. Hang from the bar and then pull yourself up until your chin is over the top of the bar.

Repeat for eight reps, do four sets, and allow yourself two minutes of rest.

Bench press

Take hold of the bar just outside shoulder-width and arch your back so there is space between your lower back and the bench.

Pull the bar out from the rack and lower it down to your sternum, tuck in your elbows to your sides. Once the bar touches your body, push your feet into the floor and use the force to drive yourself and push the bar up.

Go for 8 reps, four sets, and give yourself a two-minute rest.

Bent-over row

Grasp the bar at shoulder width and let it hang in front of your thighs. Bend at your hips and lower your torso so that it’s almost parallel with the floor.

Then, bend at the knees in order to take the pressure off of your hamstrings. Squeeze your shoulders together and pull the bar towards your stomach.

Repeat this for 8 reps, complete four sets, and give yourself two minutes rest.


Begin by placing your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart. Keep your abs engaged, your body in a straight line, and squeeze those shoulder blades together.

Then, lower yourself down until your chest is around an inch from the floor. Push through your arms to get back to the starting position.

Repeat this for 10 reps, complete four sets, then rest for two minutes

Our conclusion

What a great workout to try if you’re serious about increasing your T levels. We can’t see any downsides with weekends off and the different variations to stop you from getting bored and becoming demotivated.

None of the exercises are confusing or particularly difficult, you can go at your own pace. As we mentioned earlier, it is recommended to try and get through the workout at least three times a week.

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