
Make 2024 your biggest year yet with these male enhancement tips

male enhancement tips 2022

Did you spend most of 2023 worrying about the size of your package? Did you avoid certain situations where you felt you might not be up to the task? Or maybe, lack of sex life has really gotten to you this past year.

Well, guys, if you’re nodding along with me, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s easy to get hung up on the size of your penis. God, it’s even easier to beat yourself up about it. But I’m here to tell you, it’s gotta stop!

It’s time to kick 2024 off with a bang! With less time worrying and more time… Well, having great sex. Guys, you know what I’m talking about – less time stressing about the size of your junk. So, if you want to up your performance in the bedroom, keep reading, you’re going to love my top tips to make 2024 your best sexual encounter yet.

1. Build muscle

As men, testosterone is everything to us. It plays a crucial role in our sex drive, body hair, energy levels, you name it. If your T levels start to dip, you could notice a number of horrid side effects.

They can include:

The trouble is, when your testosterone takes a hit, your sex drive can too. This can have a knock-on effect on your sex life, since it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get it up. All of this on top of your anxiety around your penis size, eurgh, that’s just adding fuel to the fire.

Also Read: How to boost your energy and metabolism to fight ED

So, how can you give your testosterone levels a boost? By building muscle. Paired with a healthy, varied diet focused on weight loss, resistance training can help you to successfully build lean muscle. Don’t just take my word for it… Studies have shown that resistance training has been linked to higher T levels and growth hormone – which are crucial for a healthy sex drive.

If you’re new to bodybuilding, don’t throw yourself in too hard. Kick things off with a three-day full-body weightlifting program. Spend your time focusing on the basics, such as bench presses, squats and deadlifts. Opt for 3 – 5 sets of 8 – 12 reps.

2. Lose a little weight

male enhancement tips lose weight

If you’re carrying a little extra weight around the middle, you could be cutting off contact between you and your junk. Yep, that’s right. For every 30 pounds of body fat you gain, you won’t be able to see an extra inch of your penis. Crazy, right?

Essentially, you’re choking the life out of your junk and building a human (fat) barrier! Plus, that extra body fat won’t be doing your sexual function any favors. When these fatty deposits build up inside your arteries, the blood flow needed to get hard can be restricted (atherosclerosis), causing erectile dysfunction (ED).

ED is different from guy to guy. For some, it may mean the inability to get hard at all. While for others it may be they cannot get hard enough to have sex.

Also Read: 12 foods that naturally increase your sex drive

But what can you do? Well, if you’re carrying a few extra pounds, it’s time to switch up your lifestyle. Switch out unhealthy, processed foods for healthy, whole foods. Getting plenty of exercise into your routine will quickly show on your waistline!


With just one pill a day you could reignite your sex drive, experience stronger erections that last, and enjoy improved stamina and endurance. Viasil is 100% natural, safe, and fast acting. So you know you can confidently rise to every occasion..

3. Male enhancement supplements

A quick search online will give you thousands upon thousands of supplements for just about everything in your life, including your junk. However, it’s important to recognise that not all apparent ‘penis enlargement pills’ are created equal.

That being said, there are some incredible natural ingredients that can help your junk perform at its best. Here are the most scientifically proven male ingredients:

Ellagic Acid: While this sounds like it has been man-made, it is actually found inside the pomegranate. This antioxidant super-nutrient has been shown to improve blood circulation, reducing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

L-Arginine HCL: Another power-amino acid that has been shown to increase blood flow through the power of nitric oxide production. The chances are, when you’re looking at erectile dysfunction medications, they’ll include this to give your junk a boost! This is another natural solution for ED – which means, no prescription!

Also Read: 10 things you didn’t know about your junk

Niacin (Vitamin B3): Yep, another blood flow booster! Vitamin B3 has been proven to increase blood flow, so you can get hard and stay hard for longer.

Zinc: Supplementing your body with zinc can benefit your overall health in a number of ways, including your sexual health. Research has shown that this powerful nutrient can increase testosterone levels.

Cordyceps: A natural aphrodisiac, cordyceps has been shown to rocket your sexual desire, as well as improve your ability to get hard. Bonus!

Gawd, it sounds endless, doesn’t it? With all these different supplements, it can be hard to keep up. But thankfully, there’s no need to pack your routine with 15 different supplements each morning! Viasil’s carefully selected ingredients increase blood flow and circulation, for more powerful, firmer erections that last.

4. Surgery (Really?)

Hmm, surgery. Now, this is a tricky (and drastic) option. Sure, it works, but it’s kinda the very last option in our eyes.

Unsure if to opt for penile enlargement surgery? It’s best to speak to your doctor before making this type of decision. Ask yourself the following, first:

  • Do you always feel worried about your penis size?
  • Do these worries stop you from enjoying a healthy social and sex life?
  • Are you experiencing high levels of anxiety?
  • Have you tried several methods (including those on this list!) with no success?
  • Have you been contemplating surgery for at least a year?

If you’re thinking, ‘yes that’s me!’ it may be time to speak to your doctor about your options.

Ready to get BIG in 2024?

It’s easy to continue torturing yourself about your performance worries. But it’s even easier to make a step words a happy, healthy sex life.

Viasil’s 100% natural ingredients work to increase blood flow, for powerful, rock hard erections that last. Why wait? A better, happier (and harder!) you is just one pill a day away.


With just one pill a day you could reignite your sex drive, experience stronger erections that last, and enjoy improved stamina and endurance. Viasil is 100% natural, safe, and fast acting. So you know you can confidently rise to every occasion.

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